-An extensive investment program, of about eleven billion DH, which foresees the construction of seven cities situated on the shores of the lagoon of Mar Chica (Nador Province), extending over an arc of 25 km of coastal land.
The opening of a pass to create a new access channel linking the lagoon to the Mediterranean sea and improve thecirculation & the renewal of the lagoon waters.
Project Outline:The project required:The construction of two breakwaters of a length of1450 m (East) and 1350 m (West ).Dredging the foundation trench for the breakwaters Dredging a 300m wide and 1450m long channel to -6 m NGM for a total volume of 1,750,000 m3.Land reclamation works with the dredged material Creation of settlement ponds to increase retention time, prior to returning waters to the Sea. Main Contractor SOMAGEC SA –MoroccoDredging & Reclamation works :Atlantic Dredging & JDN Duration :March 2009 to December 2010