Atlantic Dredging


Port Dredging & Marine Contractors

Extension of the Port of MDIQ  October 2008 - April 2009
The extension of the existing port so as to provide the region of Tetouan ,with a tool of economic and social development by : Improving the berthing facilities for fishing vessel. The creation of a new infrastructure for Pleasure craft.
The Project
The extension of the existing main pier by 180 m. The realization of a crosspiece of 330 m. -  Completion of Basin protection of 19 m. -   Protection embankments of 230 m.   Completion of 247 m of wharf to -5.00 m depth . -   The creation of a dock for a gantry crane  , 37m x 10m. -   The construction of floating finger piers of 120 m. -   The creation of a water area of 3.5 ha. -   The construction of embankments with an area of 1.27 ha.   Dredging and rock excavation of the basin and quay trenches.
 The Project Required:
 Dredge & Rock excavation works were carried so as to attend -5 and -6 m depths,by extracting approximately 30,000 cu.m  of extremely hard rock
Main Contractor Somagec S.A Dredging & Rock extraction ;Atlantic Dredging.
Duration : October 2008- April 2009